“Our brokerage isn’t like others. We spend so much time cultivating a really great culture and we want people to feel that.”
We love when clients back up their words with action and put their purpose on the line for something they believe in. That’s exciting and we want to reward that behavior by working as hard as we can tomake it come to life the best way we know how -- words and imagery.
Sync Brokerage’s care for fostering an atmosphere where agents and clients always know how much they’re cared for became the focal point for the emotions we wanted their materials to elicit.
That’s why we worked to craft brand materials that is alive in nature and never stops. It started with their logo and incorporating a never-ending circle to visualize the momentum and exciting pace of their approach to business.
We also extended this to their website as well, creating a highly interactive and animated center for clients, as well as current and prospective agents can immediately sense the energy and enthusiasm that Sync embodies.